Silky Soups for the Toothless

My daughter got her wisdom teeth out the other day so I got to nourishing her back to health. A trio of silky smooth soups for my tooth-less girl. Free of solids, full of flavor with healing herbs and spices.

1) my roasted carrot fennel soup:
(left off the mushroom garnish)
2) vegan cream of mushroom soup: I used the simple and excellent recipe from Holy Cow Vegan: and puréed it – which made it even more mushroomy

3) my chilled minted pea soup from #SpiceboxKitchen (left out the Indian spiced oil)- her first request! I created this recipe long ago, and the story also features this daughter:

What would I do without my Vitamix?

The last time I went into full production mode, also making soups, was when my mom broke her hip four years ago. As a doctor my job is to care for and heal people; as a mother and cook I show love through my food. There is something very intense and emotional for me when I am making food specifically to promote healing. (It’s more than the nutrients and antioxidants, is what I am trying to say.)

Whether or not you have post-oral surgery needs or simply are looking for some flavorful plantbased soups, give these a whirl. I have many more soups where these came from, including more chilled soup recipes for the summer months. (And for more ideas on eating in a heat wave, I was thrilled to be able to contribute to this recent article in TIME Magazine:

Be well, stay cool!

Did you know, you can also learn to cook with me? Thrive Kitchen at Home is a series of monthly, virtual classes, with a different menu every month. They’re free for Kaiser Permanente members and just $20 for the public. More info here:

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